I was made aware of the seminar and attended with Irene Zimmer, the staff trainer at Dingo's Dogsitting. Irene, a former Vet and dog sport competitor, is constantly keeping abreast of the various animal behaviorist trainings and seminars held throughout the year. Since I'm new to the training world, I asked her to let me know when there is another seminar in the area that we could attend together. Irene, always enthusiastic, took that small prodding to write me a fabulously informative email of all the local trade organizations in the area dealing with the health, wellness, and training of dogs. Since her email was so thorough and informative I wanted to share it with my readers. So without further ado, here it is:
1) There is the website of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers (www.apdt.com). Their annual conference this year will be in Hartford Connecticut in October.
[As a side note, Irene went to their conference in San Diego three years ago. Sue Sternberg is presenting a workshop there this year.]
2) Ian Dunbar, who I think founded the APDT or was founding member, has a website called Dogstar Daily (www.dogstardaily.com) which is also full of good information. He is very knowledgeable. I am a big fan of his.
3) Then there is the International Association of Animal Bahavior Consultants (IAABC). The reason I mention this is that they have a link called (CEUs) where they feature workshops and conferences etc. Here is the link:
4) Then of course there is Dr Sophia Yin; she also has a website full of interesting stuff. She is very good. I will be doing a laboratory with her in October at a vet conference.
5) I also like to keep an eye on TUFTS Cummings school of vet medicine in North Grafton. I once sat in on behavior consults with Dr Dodman and Dr Borns-Weil, they are very good and have a lot of what I consider "healthy" takes on things.
6) Here is a webpage I also check for especially behavior things, they list a lot of events, not only for vets:
If anyone else has any feedback on any upcoming seminars or trainings they have attended I would love to hear from you. Please email me at: nancy@dingosdogsitting.com.