Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Personal Reflections After a Doggie Faux Pas

Every morning one of my client's dogs greets me at the door with what I like to think of as a gift of sorts. Usually it's a bone, sometimes it's her owner's shoe, occasionally a sock. Today, however, I was shocked to find that my welcoming "gift" was a pair of her owner's underwear. Luckily they were clean (I think although I did not inspect them thoroughly). Both myself and said owner got a good laugh at this morning's faux pas but it also got me thinking about how the nuanced twists and turns - some small, some large, some glorious, some dreadful - of day to day life are what keep it interesting Oh to be alive! Due to the unpredictable nature of dogs I never know how the day will unfold. Some days are challenging, others are fun, many are funny (or funny later when you can look back and laugh). But one thing the days are never is boring. I'm thankful for that.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

You're Invited!

The College and Career Access Project, a vocationally focused noncredit college program, jointly administered by North Shore Community College and the Northeast Arc will be hosting a business reception at Eastern Bank, 195 Market Street in Lynn, on Wednesday October 15th from 6 to 8pm.  Please join us for networking and to learn the benefits the program affords to both the businesses that employ the students enrolled in these programs and the students themselves.  Dingo's Dogsitting is working with two students enrolled in the Basic Canine and Feline Care track of the program and as such, I will be speaking as part of a panel representing participating businesses.

The event is sponsored by the Lynn Area Chamber of Commerce. There will be complimentary beer, wine and appetizers and free parking! RSVP by Wednesday October 8th to Pam Silva of the Northeast Arc:  Hope to see you there!!

For more information about the College and Career Access Project please see here:

For more information about the Northeast Arc please see here: